2010年1月24日 星期日

what the fuck!

what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck....
i cant stop complaining about this fucking broadband, it is even worse than maxis broadband!! OMG!!! it's really screwing me up like hell!
i was sign up this fucking line since last 2 weeks before, when im still having the trial version the line is good. but then after having the trial the line is FREAKING LAG!!! OMG!!! i cant even connect...... although im under the coverage area! that makes me freak like hell!!
so on, another fucking assy freak me up!
ya, the one i hate gets XX, and im gonna be her XX!! shittttttttt......
this kind of feeling really GANASAI loooo..... few days cant sleep well cause of this shitty assy stuff!! ARGHHHHHH.... how come how come how come..... OMGGGGGG....

aiks.... luckily i have moved. seldom see XX assy face. lol. im bad. but that's me.... wuakakakak...
