2009年6月11日 星期四

i gotta speed up my learning ability!!!

gosh... today's class is my 1st lesson of learning Dreamweaver program! i'm really get shocked since the teacher is using high speed to teach us! U cant imagine my previous college has spend about 1 semester which is 4 mouths to complete the subject, for this institution.... only takes me 2 hours to learn all i had learned in the college! It was so amazing!!! How lucky that i have basic before i attended the class! But the basic that i have is only can be used during lesson 1, so i cant imagine the following lesson what i can do to speed up my learning ability T_T ishh.....
Tomorrow is another course which is Photoshop! i found it's kinda complicated so i am worrying myself whether can follow up?? some more i gotta learn the lesson 2 before having lesson 1... weird is it?? where got people learn lesson 2 before lesson 1????? ya.... is me.... all because of the stupid consultant giving me the wrong timetable!! The lesson 1 is suppose to be attend on last week! But she said this week is the 1st class.... mana tao today i picked up her called and she was telling me today is having lesson 2 .... == wtf!!! so i gotta replace my lesson 1 one the same day ..... damn!

I kinda confused that whether i did purchased the wrong product?? cellnique and clinique?? i messed up! i think i suppose to buy cellnique but i bought clinique ==
which one is better???? gosh........ im gonna mad!!!
